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The Tabernacle
Blueprint To The Blessing

Your chance to receive the whole Tabernacle Teaching package for one slashed internet price.
the manual, 2-dvd album, 5-cd album, introductory booklet and bonus copy of "Mystery of the Third Day" in paperback, regularly $77, now only...
$65 post paid

Commentary on Ephesians
152 pages - 8.5x11 - $15.00

Ephesiancy, a word coined to describe the effectual working of God operative in His people. Kris writes this verse-by-verse study from three decades of Spirit-filled experience as well as a special gifting in interpreting scripture. Written in his preaching style the Ephesians commentary is meant to be devotional while at the same time accurate and didactic. It delves into Greek word usage, types, shadows and parallels in Old and New Testaments books with hundreds of “I never thought of that before” personal insights. This is not a Cub Scout book. Ephesiancy is wired and highly explosive.

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Maker's Match
Start on fire, stay on fire
131 pages – coil-bound 8.5x11 - $15.00

Whether you think your marriage is a perfect match or mismatch, Maker’s Match will strengthen the relationship. This book studies the first five chapters of Genesis in what has been modeled for us in the original Adams Family. The first Man was made of dust…stardust…in the image of God. To find your destiny know your history. In this fast-moving portrait of the primal Pair the reader will live through four stages of life’s journey, the modeling, making, marring and maturing of the man. Why another roadmap back to the Garden? Because it shows the single and newlywed what the Matchmaker intended for marriage and gives the struggling home hope for a happy ending. This is a balanced mix of biblical counsel and pastoral wisdom that will rekindle any couple willing to surrender.

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Psychology Of The Psalms
5 Volumes/714 pages - 8.5x11 - $60.00

A Psalms commentary like no other! In five coil-bound volumes, Kris journeys verse-by-verse through each of the 150 Psalms. This is a roller-coaster ride of emotions. All the highs and lows of human psychology are touched upon, simple enough for any new believer yet deep enough for use in any Bible college. It is a goldmine resource for pastors, fully outlined, with wisdom from classical minds as well as Dr. Jackson’s unique wit, pastoral counsel and insight into the Word. This isn’t the typical commentary that isolates pet texts; instead it digs deep into every verse. Gospel meat to enjoy for years to come.

Purchase the set at one low cost of $60 or individual volumes 1-5 at $15 each, all postpaid.
Please call or e-mail for individual orders.

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Mystery Of The Third Day
164 pages - 5.5x8.5 - $12.00

With foreword by Pastor John Kilpatrick this book offers many keys to your spiritual breakthrough. It is a revival readiness manual for the new millennium.

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Jumpstart The Heart
160 pages - 5.5x8.5 - $12.00

Jump-Start currently not available

These forty motivational sermons are designed to "Jumpstart the Heart", preparing all ages to go after their God-given dreams and drives. Filled with wit, humor, preachable outlines and touching illustrations, this book will be a great encourager! Paperback from Logos to Rhema Publishing.

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The Tabernacle - Blueprint To The Blessing
140 pages - 8.5x11 - $15.00

This book goes somewhat deeper than the "Blueprint" tape series. Every item of the Exodus Tabernacle from boards to bars, covers to colors, the crowd to the Cloud are examined and detailed. There may not be another work available that is so concise yet easily understood. Coil bound. Tons of information.

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Brand new for 2007!
The Gospel Of Luke
247 pages - 8.5x11 - $20.00

This study digs out truth from every verse of the twenty-four chapters of the Gospel of Luke. Luke “the beloved physician” (Col 4:14) refers his patients to Jesus “the Great Physician”. Discover new perspectives on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ that are enlightening to the elementary Bible student but written with the seasoned pastor in mind. Luke covers so many subjects, joy, prayer, the anointing, the believer's authority, and so much more, with in depth understanding of divine healing, because Luke was a doctor. Coil-bound…hundreds of illustrations, Greek text studies, sermon outlines and fresh commentary.

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Terms Of The Cross
36 pages - 8.5x11 - $8.00

A study of eight major redemptive doctrinal terms (sin, grace, repentance, justification, atonement, regeneration, sanctification, redemption) and their application to our present Christian life and victory. Perfect for group studies, Sunday School classes as well as personal growth.

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what we are about today's bible devotion where kris is ministering books, audio, video promotional materials