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The Tabernacle
Blueprint To The Blessing

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Feel like being a “holy roller” this morning, just roll over and go back to sleep? Sorry. Can’t do it. Up and at ‘em. This is the day the Lord hath made we will arise and go to work in it. I know you feel justified in throwing in the towel and heading for the unemployment office but excuses won’t hold water with God. First, realize that a less than desirable job is better than no job. You remember the guy who complained that he had no shoes until he met a man that had no feet? Consider yourself fortunate. It may be just a job, and J.O.B. spells “just over broke” but it will do until something better comes along. Till then, TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT!

That requires a positive attitude. Don’t be a slouch or grouch down at the office. A grouch is someone who spreads cheer wherever he doesn’t go. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. “But Kris, if I smiled the way I feel, it would be a fake smile”. That’s all right…I’d rather see a fake smile than a sincere frown any day and so would your fellow employees on the assembly line. Your attitude sets the climate for the workday. Talk positive. Dress positive. Be positive. TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT!

Who is your real employer anyway? - “whatsoever you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23). Whether you pour concrete or flip burgers “do all in the name of the Lord” and do all “to the glory of God”. When a Christian signs his name to a timesheet it’s like Picasso signing his name to a canvass. Haphazard, half-hearted, mediocre effort won’t do. Your supervisor may not observe your second effort but the God of the Universe keeps the record book that really counts. “God is the judge: he puts down one, and sets up another” (Psalm 75:7). So shoot higher than you can reach. Don’t just try to be better than your predecessors or contemporaries; be better than yourself. TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT!

That requires self-motivation. Any old fish can swim downstream but it takes a mighty salmon to buck the system and swim up-river. Don’t be one of the millions that blindly follow the blind and blandly follow the bland, that punch a timecard and wait for the weekend or long for age 65. You really don’t want to retire; you want to re-fire. Business motivator Harvey MacKay asks, “Which would you rather be, a miserable, successful motivator, or a happy, motivated flop? The motivator that can motivate everybody but himself may win the world but he can never enjoy it”. God help us to rekindle passion for work again. There is no joy without a job, no enjoyment without employment. Eagles weren’t made for cages, they were made for crags. So climb your mountain. Dream your dream. Get what you want out of life firmly fixed in your mind then walk right through that door to the office or factory and shout at the top of your lungs, TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT!

what we are about today's bible devotion where kris is ministering books, audio, video promotional materials