
P.O. Box 2070
Branson West
MO 65737

(417) 272-1959


  :: oneighty :: cmo





Christian Ministries Of The Ozarks:

A few years ago, I began to see clearly why the loses so many of its young people to the world. For far too long, we have shown interest in only the spiritual welfare of our young people. Because we, as adults have refused to address their social needs, we have unwittingly turned them to the world during this important, yet delicate stage of their lives

The Bible says that young people go through a process in passing from one home to another. "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh [Matthew 19:5]." As our kids naturally begin to pull away from us to find their mates, we have abandoned them to the world. The world is willing to embrace our kids on a social level. It spends billions to sell them its ideas, and our kids listen because the world makes an investment in them.

The project we are introducing in this presentation is an expensive and challenging project. It will cost us a good deal of money and time. Still we believe it is worth every penny and every minute we can give it. As we have already seen with other Oneighty facilites nationwide, young people receive our message when we embrace them on every level - spirit, soul, and body.

God will bless the individual who chooses to become a channel of blessing toward this project. If we really understand the scope of the mission and the stakes, we cannot afford to hold back. In fact, I believe God will enrich us, both corporately and individually, as we work together to complete this vision.

Malachi 4:6 declares, "And He shall turn the hearts of the fathers toward the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers." If we, as parents, will turn our hearts toward our young people, God says they will turn back to us.

I believe the next generation is worth it. Don't you?
